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tbs123's Profile Page

Location : West Sussex - Other West Sussex Cyclists
Total Posts : 8
Last Active : 5276 day(s) ago

01/03/2009Everything fine except lower back hurtingAfter a few miles, my lower back starts screaming ...
02/10/2008Duration of cycle ride and calories - how are figures arrived at?Thanks very much....
01/10/2008Duration of cycle ride and calories - how are figures arrived at?Thanks. I can't find how to add my weight, etc tho...
30/09/2008Duration of cycle ride and calories - how are figures arrived at?No way did that ride take me as long as 3 and half...
28/09/2008lower back acheSo how would you remedy the problem? I have experi...
28/09/2008Ditchling Beacon Info Wanted (London To Brighton)I made a mistake. The cycle route planner gives di...
27/09/2008Ditchling Beacon Info Wanted (London To Brighton)Hi, read my message again - it is 0.890 kilometers...
21/09/2008Ditchling Beacon Info Wanted (London To Brighton)According to the Cycle Route Planner, the distance...

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