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tour Of Wemyss (mainly Off Road) Cycle Route

Scotland > Fife > Kirkcaldy High School
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Cycle Route Details
Route Nametour Of Wemyss (mainly Off Road)
Distance : miles (km)11.59  (18.65)
Posted ByKeith
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Town/CityKirkcaldy High School
Start LocationKirkcaldy High School
End LocationKirkcaldy High School
Cycle Steps
Off road route with a couple of steep climbs. Mainly on forest paths, but reasonably easy to find. section will get over grown in summer and very muddy in wet conditions

Starts at the car park for Kirkcaldy High school (can also be started at the Dunnikier House Hotel/golf course car park). Initially starts on the road or cycle/footpath to Boreland. At the roundabout head through the gate into woodlands follow the footpath with a field just to your right. Eventually you will arrive at a T junction with a drove road take a left which will bring you to a main road (Dysart - Coaltown of Wemyss). Take a left after approx 200m take a right through a gate. Follow this muddy road heading east After while the road bends to the right and starts to flatten/descending on the right you will see a footpath heading down towards West Wemyss. Take this and you will end up at the Village. Follow the Coastal Path to East Wemyss, just before you arrive at East wemyss you will see a footpath heading up hill to your left take this follow this foot path west and uphill through a woodland. Once you come to a grassy/muddy road follow this to the right. You will see a footpath sign telling to to go left 50m before a red sand stone house. Follow this path and you will end up at Coaltown of Wemyss. Take a right along the main Street and turn left passing the old Bakery (on your right). Go through the gate (football pitch to the left) follow this footpath though the trees to the "Standing Stane Road" take care crossing this very busy and fast road. Follow the forest road through the gate. Just after the road branches off to the left look into the trees on the right you will see the Old Wemyss Station where Royalty once stopped off on their visit to Wemyss Castle. Take the second left and head back to Thornton. You will arrive at the Greyhound racing track cross the road turn left and head up hill for 50m and you will find an entrance into a lightly woodland walk follow the path to your left and uphill. Arriving at a quiet road turn right and cycle along this road untill you reach cottages and a gravel road head left and up hill just after these terraced cottages. Climb this track until you meet the dual carriage way and a pedestrian bridge. Cross the bridge and cycle West along the side of the road until the footpath turns left follow the path left and continue uphill and along side the golf course on a good red grave path. This will take you to Dunnikier House hotel and your start point can now almost be seen.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
The old Wemyss station can be seen as shortly after entering the plantation once crossing the "Standing Stane Road". Village Coffee shop in West Wemyss and corner shop in Coaltown of Wemyss. Wemyss Castle and near by is the Wemyss Caves. Local shops in Thornton.

Cycling Clubs located in this region
Fife Cycling 2000
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