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Seascale to Swaledale Cycle Route

England > Cumbria > Seascale
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameSeascale to Swaledale
Distance : miles (km)99.96  (160.87)
Posted ByS Lord
Calories Burned kcal
(login and provide your weight for more accurate calories burned)
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationSeascale campground
End LocationWhaw
Cycle Steps
This route follows the general lines of Wainwright's walking route but overlaps that route exactly only on bridlepaths in the Cleveland Hills and North York Moors.

It is designed to give a taste for the Lake District, Pennines, Yorkshire Dales, Cleveland Hills and North York moors while avoiding the path itself and the headaches of stiles and lots of walkers - all signs that say clearly 'not suitable and often not legal for bikes'.

Part One takes you over the Pennines and famous Tan Hill Inn (camp there) and down into the Yorkshire Dales, stopping for lunch at the Charles Bathurst Inn and heading into Reeth (crosses the walking route) and into Swaledale.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Numerous campsites, only small shops for much of the route and not many bike shops without diversions.

Cycling Clubs located in this region
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