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Rothwell Country Park and Canal Loop Cycle Route

England > West Yorkshire > Wakefield
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameRothwell Country Park and Canal Loop
Distance : miles (km)13.31  (21.42)
Posted ByJ Vicari
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
County/RegionWest Yorkshire
Start LocationGardners Arms Pub, Leeds Road (A61), Lofthouse
End LocationGardners Arms Pub, Leeds Road (A61), Lofthouse
Cycle Steps
This is a route, which I created to do as much off road cycling as possible. It takes in parts of Rothwell Country Park and the canal between Leeds and Wakefield. There is probably about 80% off road, via paths and bridleyways. It can also be done in reverse, but there is a very steep hill to climb coming from Rothwell Country Park/canal. Excellent route for mountain bikes, but not so good for road cycles. There is a good long downhill stretch through the woods near Methley and onto the purpose built cycle path, but watch out for dog walkers!
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Rothwell Country Park and Bird Sanctuary

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