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Nuneaton to Bosworth Canal Route Cycle Route

England > Warwickshire > Nuneaton
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameNuneaton to Bosworth Canal Route
Distance : miles (km)29.32  (47.19)
Posted Bymerlinpro09
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Start LocationBrookdale Road, Nuneaton
End LocationBrookdale Road, Nuneaton
Cycle Steps
Lovely peaceful route along the Coventry canal leading to the Ashby canal which can be muddy in parts depending on the time of year. I would also recommend investing in some slime inner tubes or equivalent.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Limekilns Inn, Sutton Cheney Cafe and Bosworth Battlefield. There are no bike shops on route so make sure you are well equipped as you leave!

Near By Cycle Shops
Nuneaton Halfords
Cycling Clubs located in this region
Rugby Mountain Bike Club
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