Auckland to Escomb (circular) Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameAuckland to Escomb (circular)
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityBishop Auckland, Queens Head Hotel, Nth. Bondate
Start LocationBishop Auckland, Queens Head Hotel, Nth. Bondate
End LocationBishop Auckland, Queens Head Hotel, Nth Bondgate
Cycle Steps
1. Leave Bishop Auckland Market and head down the A688 towards Barnard Castle. At Evenwood Gate turn left and take the road through Hilton and back to the A688, crossing at the Sun Inn and continuing on to Lands (Low & High), Morley and Windmill. At the junction turn right to Ramshaw and at the bottom of the hill at the traffic lights take the left on to the cycle path, ad follow it through to St Helens, Auckland. Turn left at the lights at Tindale Crescent and take the road towards Woodhouses before turning right and take the road down into Escomb. Circle the Saxon Church and climb back out of the village. At the junction turn left and flow the road back to the town centre.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Sun Inn Hotel, A688 Escomb Saxon Church