Bridgwater, Holford Fiddington Combwich, Mobile Library Route Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameBridgwater, Holford Fiddington Combwich, Mobile Library Route
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationBridgwater
End LocationBridwater
Cycle Steps
1. This route is based on one of my old mobile library routes. Its ideal for beginners. I wouldn't recommend it at weekends between May and September as the A39 is very busy with holiday traffics. Leave Bridgwater on the A39 and head towards Cannington but don't go through take 1st exit at roundabout and head for Nether Stowey again dont go through continue on bypass though traffic lights and on to Holford ive ended the route in this direction at the church as it was a library stop, but the Plough Inn on the main road is a good stopping and turning around point. Head back passed Nether Stowey and Keenthorne(Cottage Inn)and the on your left just passed garage on your right turn to go to Fidddington.Continue through village travelling on country lanes now, up a hill then just over brow a sign post with Monkton lane on it. Take this lane ( on your right) and continue untill you reach the Hinkley Point road. Signpost to Bridgwater say 7 miles. Turn right and carry on this road skirting passed Combwich and on to Cannington. Turn left at the memorial continue through village and back to the roundabout that you would have passed earlier and head back to Bridgwater
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Pubs and village shops at Cannington,Nether Stowey and Combwich. Farm shop and Cafe on Nether Stowey bypass