Oxenhope to Keighley and Laneshaw Bridge Circular Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameOxenhope to Keighley and Laneshaw Bridge Circular
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionWest Yorkshire
Start LocationKeighley Road (A6033), Oxenhope
End LocationKeighley Road (A6033), Oxenhope
Cycle Steps
1. This is a road route, mainly on A and B roads, but with a section of country roads on the final stretch. It also has a variety of climbs to negotiate. The route has a gentle start through Keighley and onto Cross Hills. There are then increasing climbs towards Colne. From Laneshaw Bridge, the country road has a couple of nasty climbs, then levels, but the climb to Penistone Hill is a real burner for the once a week rider. The hard work is compensated for by great views and there is a nice pub to finish.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
