Guardbridge to Newport on Tay Circle Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameGuardbridge to Newport on Tay Circle
Cycle Route Location
Town/CitySt Andrews
Start LocationMain Street (A919), Guardbridge
End LocationMain Street (A919), Guardbridge
Cycle Steps
1. This is a good flat road route, mainly on A roads, with the odd hill, that is ideal for road bikes. The route shown heads inland on the A91 until the junction with the A92. It then follows the A92 up towards Newport on Tay and the Tay Road Bridge. Just before the bridge it turns right along the coast to Tayport. Finally, it heads down the B945 towards St Michaels, then takes the A919 back to the start.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Tay Bridge, Firth of Tay, North Sea