Tylorstown to Aberdare and Llanwanno Loop Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameTylorstown to Aberdare and Llanwanno Loop
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionRhondda Cynon Taff
Start LocationTylorstown Sports centre, Tylorstown
End LocationTylorstown Sports centre, Tylorstown
Cycle Steps
1. This is a mainly off road route, using roads, old railway lines and forestry tracks, that with the sites available can be turned into a full day out. I recommend that you have a compass, and are proficient at using it in conjunction with an OS map of the area. Starting at the Tylorstown Sports centre, make your way North up the valley, towards Meardy. This part of the route is on the cycle track, which used to be the Porth Meardy railway, that runs parallel with the river. After Meardy you join a good tarmac access road to the Meardy reservoir, passing the site of the last deep pit in the Rhondda, Meardy Colliery, which was closed in December 21, 1990 and pulled down. After a long climb you turn right onto open moor to joint the Coed Morgannwg Way. This will be your guide, taking you over to the Aberdare Country Park and to the first of two refreshment points of the day. After the stop at Aberdare Country park it's an easy ride on another old railway bed, round to the pretty village of Cwmaman. The climb out of the Aman valley is a very long steep climb using forestry track running through some fairly dense woodland, the track is rough in places. I recommend that, again you follow the map closely. Once back on top its a very pleasant ride through the Llanwanno forest using good forestry roads to the LLanwanno Inn, where you can take the second refreshment stop. At this point you can either follow the main route back down to Stanleytown and Tylorstown or follow the main road to the view point just past the Old Smokey tip. From the view point you back track slightly to re-join the main route just South of Smokey, turn right and head back down the steep descent to Stanleytown and Tylorstown.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
