Hertford Loop via Benington Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameHertford Loop via Benington
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationFordwich Rise, Hertford
End LocationFordwich Rise, Hertford
Cycle Steps
1. This is a pleasant 20 mile ride that takes in some of the scenery and small towns and villages in Hertfordshire. The route generally takes quiet back roads although the route does meet two fairly major roads along the route. Starting off in Hertford, you go through Bengeo, Sacombe, Dane End, Whempstead, Benington, Aston, Datchworth and Bramfield before returning to where you started from. There are a few hills which may cause difficulty with very inexperienced riders.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Small village churches in Sacombe, Benington and Datchworth. Benington Lordship - especially in the spring when there is a large array of snowdrops. The Pig And Whistle Pub in Aston Stevenage Golf Centre
