Tynemouth to Seaton Delaval Loop Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameTynemouth to Seaton Delaval Loop
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionTyne and Wear
Start LocationFront Street
End LocationFront Street
Cycle Steps
1. Starting on the sea front, at the Turks Head Pub, head North until you see the Lighthouse. Head towards it but come off left on to a track passing the lighthouse. Continue north towards Seaton Sluice. At the roundabout after the Melton Constable pub turn 2nd left up the hill. Keep going all the way to the next roundabout in Seaton Delaval. Go straight across and continue until you pass the level crossing and then the Curry House. There is a left hand turning onto a track here (opposite Barrass Avenue). Follow the track over the hill until a 3-way fork. Take the middle track. At the main road turn left back over the level crossing. At the left hand bend go right onto another track (stay left as there are two cycle paths here). Stay on the track and go under the new bridge. Staying Southbound for a number of miles following the cycle route past Tesco (on your left). You will need the map for getting through the next bit until you pick up the cycle route signs again. Follow the signs down to the river and get onto the quayside. Head east towards the mouth of the river until you return to Tynemouth.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
