Southwick Brighton Circular Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameSouthwick Brighton Circular
Cycle Route Location
County/RegionEast Sussex
Start LocationSouthwick Station
End LocationSouthwick Station
Cycle Steps
1. Brighton to Shoreham via the seafront up to the adur via southwick. Along the Adur to Bramber continuing along the Adur to the old railway line to Henfield. Stop at the pub before continuing to Blackstone Village continuing to the A281 turning left to cross the Road and go towards Small dole. take the first left and continue towards Clapers lane and Fulking. on to Poynings taking the Rght hand fork out of the village and then right along the footpath at up towards Devils Dyke. Follow the path and the continue on past the Golf courses to Dyke Road ave and into Brighton.
Landmarks/Sites to see?