Redditch Circular via Old Yarr, Astwood Bank and Arrow Valley Park Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameRedditch Circular via Old Yarr, Astwood Bank and Arrow Valley Park
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationPoplar Road shops in Redditch
End LocationPoplar Road shops in Redditch
Cycle Steps
1. A 16mile gentle undulating route (apart from 2 slightly harder at begining and 2/3rds way.) It has plenty of views across the Worcester countryside and utilises country lanes and encompasses part of the NCR 5 through Arrow Valley Country Park. NOTE: when leaving the roads afterimediatley after crossing the bridge to go onto NCR 5 bear LEFT at the 1st T junction. Less than 10% of the route is on main road.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Plenty of PH's en route, Cafe at Arrow Valley(a good spot for bird watching)