Beeston Circular via West Bridgford, Holme Pierrepoint and Radcliffe Cycle Route

Cycle Route Details
Route NameBeeston Circular via West Bridgford, Holme Pierrepoint and Radcliffe
Cycle Route Location
Start LocationCycle route near Beeston Railway Station
End LocationCycle route near Beeston Railway Station
Cycle Steps
1. The route is from Beeston near the railway station (look for cycle route sign) through to University Boulevard, Clifton Bridge, West Bridgford, Gamston (at the end of Melton Road). Use part of the A52 from the Wheatcroft Roundabout to add distance, but you could easily cut that bit out and just head for Holme PierrePoint from WBridgford). From Gamston or Bridgford depending on which option you take, head for Holme PierrePoint (cycle round the water at the rafting centre) and continue towards the hall and then onward to Radcliffe. Turn left onto main road and head back towards A52... follow cycle lane on A52 all the way back to Gamston and WestBridgford and trace previous route back to Beeston.
Landmarks/Sites to see?
Nottingham Tennis centre, Showcase Cinema, Ten pin bowling, Clifton Bridge, Roko Gym, WBridgford, Morrissons, Holme PierrePoint, Shell or BP garage on A52 on return route after Radcliffe etc...