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Lewknor to Hedgerleyvia Marlow Cycle Route

England > Buckinghamshire > High Wycombe
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameLewknor to Hedgerleyvia Marlow
Distance : miles (km)23.49  (37.80)
Posted ByC Jones
Calories Burned kcal
(login and provide your weight for more accurate calories burned)
Cycle Route Location
Town/CityHigh Wycombe
Start LocationLewknor Close, Lewknor
End LocationGregory Road, Hadgerley
Cycle Steps
Practically all of the route is on roads, mainly lanes. There are a few main roads, but none are particularly busy, except the Marlow Road, and your not on that for long. There are a few hills, but not many or particularly hard.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
Not many, just a nice, mostly country scenic route.

Near By Cycle Shops
Saddle Safari
Cycling Clubs located in this region
Amersham RCC
Roy Pink Cycles RT
Team MK
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