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Barnetby to Barnetby Via Grasby Bottom Twice Circular Route Cycle Route

England > Lincolnshire > Barnetby Railway Station
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Cycle Route Details
Route NameBarnetby to Barnetby Via Grasby Bottom Twice Circular Route
Distance : miles (km)41.02  (66.02)
Posted ByR Mayes
Calories Burned kcal
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Cycle Route Location
Town/CityBarnetby Railway Station
Start LocationBarnetby Railway Station
End LocationBarnetby RailwayStation
Cycle Steps
This is a good round trip which also can be done in a figure of 8, taking in some of the National Cycle newtork Route 1, and some quiet country roads, there are places on the route where you can shorten it if you like, eg as it crosses Grasby bottom twice it can also be done a 2 separate rides, and of course the scenery is spectacular in places, as contrary to many poeples view of Lincolnshire it is not flat and there are some rather trying hills and drags.
Landmarks/Pubs for lunch/Sites to see?
part of the route passes humberside airport, and you do pass a village shop in Great Limber, I think this is a route for a fairly experienced rider.

Cycling Clubs located in this region
Louth Velo
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