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ScottJ's Profile Page

Location : not set
Total Posts : 32
Last Active : 1969 day(s) ago

06/11/2018Deleting draft versions of cycle routesThey get cleared out automatically every 6 months ...
19/04/2017Map editingOnce published they cannot be edited, so better to...
28/08/2016Broome Cycle route, Shropshire - error in route shownIf you just create a new route and copy/paste any ...
28/04/2016Using siteHI, first choose the country from the right hand n...
10/01/2016How to add a routePrint feature has now been sorted/updated....
29/12/2015How to add a routeWe have upgraded the software, I see the print opt...
04/09/2015How to use this siteHi Andy, what page are you on, when you click on a...
27/06/2015cycle-route Website Maps Not ShowingThe maps are all displayed using Google Maps API V...
27/06/2015cycle-route Website Maps Not ShowingI have tested it in Firefox version 32 in win 7,8 ...
27/06/2015cycle-route Website Maps Not ShowingHi, I am part owner of the site, we did spend quit...

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